Since I hijacked Million Mask March from CIA, they don’t report on it anymore.

2017 News

Million Mask March news coverage can be found on Internet searches, so I stopped keeping a record here last year.
I’m not making these lists anymore, because mass media is fake news. It’s not worth my time.  General Sands

2016 Coverage

RT | Parliament Evacuated Ahead of Million Mask March | 31 OCT 2016
DEADLINE | Alyssa Milano Joins Anonymous for TV | 18 OCT 2016
HACKED | Anonymous Being Adapted for TV | 18 OCT 2016
SUN | What is Million Mask March | 18 OCT 2016  (Correction)
SPUTNIK | WikiLeaks Sources Face Charges Following MMM CIA, FBI, DHS Hacks | 8 OCT 2016
ANONHQ | Join Us Worldwide for the 2016 Million Mask March! | 26 SEP 2016
PRAVDA REPORT | Powerlessness and Accountability | 21 SEP 2016
BRIDGEWATER MERCURY | Guy Fawkes Carnival Committee | 15 SEP 2016
IPSWICH STAR | Guy Fawkes Fireworks Night Planned | 15 SEP 2016
TIMES OF INDIA | V for “Vendetta” Mask represents Freedom | 29 AUG 2016
THE DC | Misbehaving Bureaucrats Protected by Watchdogs | 11 FEB 2016
DROID REPORT | ISIS Shut Down by Million Mask March | 15 JAN 2016
METRO | Million Mask March is Roots of Civil Action | 14 JAN 2016
ANONHQ | Top 8 Ultimate Hacks | 15 OCT 2016
FORTUNE | Hacker Attacks Soaring | 29 FEB 2016
ENGAGET | Want to be a Hacker? Here’s where to start | 25 FEB 2016
HACKREAD | What is Anonymous, and How Big It Is | 25 JAN 2016
INT’L.  BUSINESS TIMES | Anonymous Hacks Iowa Caucus | 25 JAN 2016
TORTURE NEWS |U.S. Soldiers Ordered to Rape Children in Front of their Moms | 24 JAN 2016 *
NEW RELEASE | Michael Moore:  Where to Invade Next ***/ | 20 JAN 2016
BREIBART | How to Defend Yourself Against the NSA | 30 JAN 2016
TECH WORM | 8 Most Amazing and Daring Anonymous Hack Attacks *| 17 JAN 2016
WASHINGTON | 42 Admitted False Flags | 9 FEB 2016
ANONHQ |  15 Major Anonymous News Stories from 2015  | 1 JAN 2016
HACKREAD | Anonymous Nailed 2015 | 31 DEC 2015
CBS | Anonymous Had a Great 2015 | 31 DEC 2015
SEYMOUR HERSH | U.S.A. Intelligence Sharing in Syrian War | 7 JAN 2016



HACKREAD | Anonymous Nailed 2015 | 31 DEC 2015
CBS | Anonymous Had a Great 2015 | 31 DEC 2015
ANDREW KREIG | Obama Revises Disastrous ISIS, Syria Policies | 21 DEC 2015
ANON HQ | Drills held during San Bernardino, Paris Attacks, 7/7,  9/11 & Boston Bombing | 3 DEC 2015
ANON HQ | Whites Kill more than Muslims, but U.S. Police Kill more than Both | 1 DEC 2015
ANON HQ | Anonymous Reveals What America is Hiding | 20 NOV 2015
ANON HQ | 5 Reasons to Believe a Shadow Government Controls the World | 20 NOV 2015
ANON HQ | The Real Reason Why Nearly Everyone is in Syria | 20 OCT 2015
ANON HQ | Putin Exposes 40 Countries that Finance ISIS | 18 NOV 2015
ANON HQ | Highlights of Million Mask March 2015 | 8 NOV 2015
RT | Live Updates | 5 NOV 2015
RAW STORY | Anarchism Explained | 10 NOV 2015
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS | Hundreds of Thousands Take to the Streets to Support Anonymous in Million Mask March |6 NOV 2015
IRISH INDEPENDENT | Chaos in London as Million Mask March Marred by Violence | 5 NOV 2015
LONDON 24 | Police Car Set on Fire Amid Violence London | 5 NOV 2015
ENEMY ALERT BUSTLE | This bastard fake journalist needs to be confronted | 5 NOV 2015
NEWSWEEK | Million Mask March Demonstrators Clash with London Police | 5 NOV 2015
TELEGRAPH | Anonymous Protesters Hurl Fireworks & Set Police Car on Fire | 5 NOV 2015
GUARDIAN | Million Mask March in London as it Happened | 5 NOV 2015
BBC | Million Mask March: 3 Police Officers Hospitalized | 5 NOV 2015
HUFFINGTON POST | Police Prepare for Bonfire Night to Free Robin Hood | 5 NOV 2015
RT | Anonymous Ready for Global Action in 675 Cities | 5 NOV 2015
CTV | Anonymous Expects Thousands to Attend Marches Across the Globe | 5 NOV 2015
SKAGIT | Anonymous Seattle Million Mask March Planned for Nov 5 | 4 NOV 2015
HUFFINGTON POST | Westminster on Anonymous Lockdown |4 NOV 2015
INT’L BUSINESS TIMES | Queen’s Army Prepare for Battle Against Thousands of Londoners | 4 NOV 2015
TELEGRAPH | Police Lie About Violence at Million Mask March | 4 NOV 2015
EVENING STANDARD | Police Warn of Violence as Thousands Protest for Anonymous | 4 NOV 2015
CITY AM | Police Restrict London for Million Mask March | 4 NOV 2015
DEUTCHE WELLS | How Guy Fawkes Became Face of Modern Global Protest | 4 NOV 2015
RT | Police Plan Westminster Lockdown Ahead of Million Mask March | 4 NOV 2015
BBC-PAEDOPHILE FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT | Wicked Queen Says No Way to Nov 5 Public Court | 4 NOV 2015
GUARDIAN | Queen’s Army Blocks London’s Order of Public Court | 4 NOV 2015
INQUIRER | YayaDub’s Twitter Account Hacked for Million Mask March | 3 NOV 2015
MASHABLE | Hacktivists Target Celebrities to Promote Million Mask March | 3 NOV 2015
RED DIRT REPORT | Million Mask March Coming to Oklahoma City | 3 NOV 2015
RT | Anonymous Plot Bonfire Night | 2 NOV 2015
INT’L BUSINESS TIMES | Anonymous Protests Against Mass Surveillance | 2 NOV 2015
VICE | Anonymous to Out a Bunch of KKK at Million Mask March | 2 NOV 2015
INDY CHANNEL | Indiana Politicians Tied to KKK |2 NOV 2015
TRUTHDIG | Video: Anonymous Publishing KKK details Nov 5 | 2 NOV 2015
HIPHOP WIRED | Anonymous’ KKK Expose to Name Senators & Mayors | 2 NOV 2015
HUFFINGTON POST | Anonymous to Reveal Ku Klux Klan Members Nov 5 | 2 NOV 2015
INT’L BUSINESS TIMES | Anonymous Begins Publishing KKK Members Nov 5 | 2 NOV 2015
THE HILL | Anonymous Unmasks KKK Members Nov 5 | 2 NOV 2015
WASHINGTON TIMES | Anonymous Dumps KKK Contact Info Nov 5 | 2 NOV 2015
COMPUTER WORLD | Anonymous to Yank KKK Hoods off on Nov 5 | 2 NOV 2015
KTLA 5 | Anonymous to Reveal Identies of 1,000 KKK members on Nov 5 | 2 NOV 2015
RT | Anonymous Plot Bonfire Night Million Mask March | 2 NOV 2015
GUARDIAN | Ghosts in the Machine: The Real Hackers | 31 OCT 2015
TELEGRAPH | Bon Fire Night 2015 | 31 OCT 2015
GLUTTON SHERIFF’S OFFICE | How to Avoid Anonymous Chaos on Nov 5 | 30 OCT 2015
DAILY DOT | Anonymous Gets Ready for November Raids | 31 OCT 2015
HACKED NEWS | So you want to join Anonymous? | 31 OCT 2015
NEXSTAR BROADCASTING | Anonymous Protests Planned in Central Valley Cities | 30 OCT 2015
PROPERTY118.COM | Remember, remember the 5th of November | 29 OCT 2015
THE SENTINAL | Anonymous Movement Slates Hanford March | 29 OCT 2015
DAILY MAIL UK | Anonymous Threaten to Reveal KKK | 29 OCT 2015
WHITEOUT PRESS | Anonymous 2015 Million Mask March coming Nov 5th | 28 OCT 2015
HACKED NEWS | Anonymous TwinCities Activists Plan Million Mask March Nov 5 | 21 OCT 2015
PIONEER PRESS | Anonymous Activists Plan Rally Nov 5 | 20 OCT 2015
ANONHQ | Join Us on the Million Mask March on November 5th Worldwide! | 8 AUG 2015
* * *
Bogus “official” page Leads 26,000 Victims to Dead Map 2 Years in a Row
w/ Rapper Steve Grant, CNN Fake Journalist Justin King & John Anthony Fairhurst

million mask movement



** RT Live Updates and International Business Times Updates **
ANON HQ | Million Mask March Library | 2014 & 2015
RT | Nowhere to Hide:  Million Mask March is Everywhere | 7 NOV 2014
REUTERS | Guy Fawkes Night Photographs | 6 NOV 2014
NEWSWEEK | Hacktivist Collective Anonymous Stages Million Mask Marches | 6 NOV 2014
GUARDIAN | Million Mask March Draws Thousands in London on Global Day of Protest | 6 NOV 2014
HINDUSTAN TIMES | Guy Fawkes Night – One Solution:  Revolution | 6 NOV 2014
TELEGRAPH | Masked Protestors Fire Fireworks at the Houses of Parliament | 6 NOV 2014
RT AMERICA (Video) | Christine Ann Sands of Anonymous on Million Mask March | 5 NOV 2014
RT | Ex-CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Says Anonymous Could Become Our Arab Spring | 5 NOV 2014
GUERILLA MEDIA NETWORK | Christine Ann Sands – Washington, DC Event Hijacked | 5 NOV 2014
TELESUR | Anonymous Stages Global Protests | 5 NOV 2014
DEUTSCHE WELLE | Anti-austerity Million Mask March Sweeps the Globe | 5 NOV 2014
LOS ANGELES TIMES | Colorado State Capitol Vandalized During Million Mask March | 5 NOV 2014
INT’L. BUSINESS TIMES | Anonymous’ Million Mask March Reaches 481 Cities | 5 NOV 2014
RT | Anonymous Now:  Million Mask March Descends on London | 4 NOV 2014
MINDANO EXAMINER | Anonymous Philippines Hacks Gov Ahead of a Global Protest | 3 NOV 2014
INT’L. BUSINESS TIMES | Anonymous March Taking Place in 463 Locations Worldwide| 3 NOV 2014
GUERILLA MEDIA  NETWORK | Christine Ann Sands of Million Mask March Advocates Overthrow of US Gov  | 1 NOV 2014
TRIBUNE | Exchanging Mangoes with Bullets | 1 NOV 2014
INT’L. BUSINESS TIMES | Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy:  Many Faces of Anonymous | 31 OCT 2014
DEWERELD Morgan | Update Million Mask March | 31 OCT 2014
LONDON 24 | Anonymous to Protest in London on Bonfire Night | 31 OCT 2014
REAL AMERICA NEWS Anonymous Calls Worldwide Million Mask March Protest | 27 OCT 2014
WHIR | HostGator Says Reports of CaLLSTaCK Server Breach are a Hoax | 23 OCT 2014
CRB ONLINE | Anonymous attacks predicted as Guy Fawkes Day approaches | 21 OCT 2014
STLYE | Vivienne Westwood: Please Join Million Mask March in London | 16 OCT 2014
CLIMATE REVOLUTION | Million Mask March Nov. 5th | 16 OCT 2014
ANON HQ | Largest World Protest by the Most Influential Group in the World | 14 OCT 2014
BLOOMBERG | She’s No Hacker, But Anonymous Trusts Her. Here’s What She Knows | 12 OCT 2014
ARAB NEWS | Hackers Leap from Dark Basements to World Stage | 10 OCT 2014
WHITEOUT PRESS | Anonymous Million Mask March Worldwide Nov 5, 2014 | 11 SEP 2014
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES | Anonymous Set For Second Million Mask March on 5 November | 11 AUG 2014


MMM 2013 News